"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Friday, January 25, 2008

Blazers and Jeans

I've been wondering about this for a long time. Should I wear some of my blazers with my jeans? From what I hear mostly is no, because the Blazer is formal and jeans are more casual. Well, I took some pics. Let me know what you guys think. Now this one is a lot formal, it has 8 buttons and such and is very long.

Oh yeah, I cropped my head out of this one, think chinky eyes and a bald head. No, not like a guy whose balding with hair on the side but nothing on the top. It's bald all over. Think Michael Jordan.


Anonymous said...

I think it looks rather good, except something is off. I can't put my finger on it. I've seen guys wear blazers with jeans before and it looked really good. Perhaps try different combinations? This done doesn't seem to be very 'together'. Sorry for being so vague, I'm not even sure what it is exactly, but yeah. If you try different combinations you're bound to run across one that looks awesome.

Lester said...

yeah I know what you mean, I think the blazer for this one is too dressy. I'll have to work on it. Thanks again Liza

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty decent, jeans maybe a little too baggy