"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Monday, December 10, 2007

Uncle Henry

Kanye West was talking about how you should always tell the person whom you admire, that you admire them. Well I really admire my Uncle Henry, but I'm not able to tell him. In fact I never met him, and all I'm going by on what I hear. How can I admire him? Well, I never heard of a person who actually did those things he did for his woman. I mean, I read it in books and such about how to please a woman on a whole another level... but in real life, most guys do things like go on romantic vacations, or buy them a room full or roses, those things are good but also can be supplication if done from a needy vibe. As for my Uncle, he did the simple things like carry his woman to a bath tub, and bathed her hair, then dry her, and carry her in his arms out of the bath tub. Simple things like that. Well, he really loved her and she really loved him... then another woman came into the picture, and thus, comes my new inspiration, a way of telling that story to the world. I wont say all for now. I hear me and him are alike, We both like Theatre and Basketball.

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