"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Understanding Women

Remember the Movie What Women Want with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. Mel Gibson's character was able to read women's mind. Most Men wish they knew what women where thinking and can take advantage of that. Men and Women have more commonalities then difference and can relate with each other and feel empathy for each other. However I will never know what it's like to be a Woman, because I am not one. When it comes to being raised as the "weaker" gender and growing up with more restrictions, I didn't go through all that. I have an idea, but I still don't know completely. This really hit me recently, I don't what it's like for a woman, and I can't speak for her. If she has something to say, she can speak for herself, what right do I have to say how she should be, or to try and change her. Only she knows what it's like to be her and it's her choice.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that there are people out there who understand that we can never truly understand the other gender completely. Just as a man can't fully understand or know what it's like to be a woman, a woman can never fully know what it's like to be a man...without surgery ;)

Lester said...

Yeah :) Surgery and Hormone shots, lol.