"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Being True to True Desires

Truthfully speaking... I felt compelled to write something, not for me directly, but for my desire to share with others so they may benefit. Well, most people know this already, and some probably wont care, and those who experienced through it know what I'm talking about and see why I would write something about it.

Well, it all comes down to... Being true to your real desires. Meaning going after what you feel compelled to go after. Walking the path that you truthfully want to walk, etc.

When I hear it, write it, speak it, "be true to your real desires" or "go after what you really want." It sounds so simple, I mean they're just words, that I've heard inside of myself for so long, and yet it's so complex when it comes to really doing it.

It went from wanting to have sex with the women in the media to wanting to have sex all the time because of "pick up"

Went from wanting to have sex with the women in car ads or dancing in Hip Hop videos to wanting to have sex with multiple women because, hey it's the thing to do, since we are all in "pick up." I'm speaking out of observation. Eventually underground becomes the new mainstream with all the Pick Up shows. Well, thinking about it, dating has always been mainstream, but ever since Speed Seduction with Ross Jeffries, it has evolved and is still evolving.

Not to say, that's what pick up is all about, having sex with multiple girls. I wanted to learn about all these attraction methods because I was smitten by a woman and I didn't know what to do. Then, I went another way. Walking around looking at women that I didn't even desire and trying "game" on them but there was no spark with some of those women. That's what is great about talking to a lot of women and "gaming" them, is that you figure out what you don't want and what you do want. That's a good thing. Eventually you wont want all the women you ego USED to want before. There is abundance, so much that some of it we don't want.

This post is turning into something else but time to get back on track. I was de-synthesized and turning into this product or this machine that would go out, at every single chance that I can and work on my game. Going out a lot did help me with my vibe and going after what I truthfully want. As far as pick up lines and techniques, I don't even do those things anymore... because when you go for something you want, you come with an energy that will speak to women inside of them. So it took me a long time to snap myself out of that de-synthesize state and be Me again. Funny, we all hear of these situations that people have were they try to find who they are. Some look to material things like cars, mansions. Other's superficial things like Fame, Looks, Quantity of suitors. Though we might never fully understand who we are, I feel that the path to self-enlightenment or knowing who you are, lies in your true desires.

Thank you all for reading, yes this was written for me and my desire to want to share with you.

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