"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Life and Jealousy

I'm laying back and meditating and pondering on life and such.

I remembered how at rare times I would be jealous of other guys in this whole gigantic world of dating, sex, love and such.

I also thought about others and their jealousy.

I thought about jealousy in general.

Thought popping out of my head.

Then I thought that people who I feel jealousy of are enjoying their life.

I then separated life itself and my life. Life as a being, and my life as another.
Life as a being for everyone, and then the life as a being for myself. I though of it profoundly and dropped it. When I look at it now, life is actually one being, and we all see it and live it differently.

And when I look at others success, happiness, greatness, etc. in whatever, I see as something they bring to life. Life, is not only for me, other should bring as much as they can to life. We are celebrating life and how we live it.

Life is not only ours, it's for everybody, we have different ways of seeing it, living it, and what we GIVE to it.

How can I be mad, if someone is giving something to life, which is something we all share with each other.


Liza said...

This is a really nice way of thinking. We're all part of life and should all be grateful and accepting of those who add something, anything, to it. In the end, we're all in one giant mixing pot. All we have to worry about is what kind of a touch of ourselves we decide to put into the pot.

Lester said...

Yeah, we have our say, into what we put into that pot.