"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Monday, November 26, 2007

In Recent News

Reading a sweet Lay Report that took place on home land or home Island of my parents kind of put my roots into consciousness. I'm back to my roots. Man, I want to go to the Islands and visit some fam. You have to know where you came from, knowing your roots makes you feel connected with everyone, those like you and those different from you.

Yes! My team is looking like it did last year. The offense is beating, the defense is rushing the QB and our Running Back is breaking records again. I live in Southern California, if you watch NFL, you should have figured this out by now.

With the exception of this blog, I'm done talking about doing things. It's time to ACT. I guess we can look at life as an observation or we can look at it as an ACTION. Life is not something that you always"be" it's something that you "do" as well. Although observing is cool too, but it can't be one w/o the other. You have to do both.

As an inspiring writer, I thought of writing for me, but now it's transitioning to writing for others as well. Brings me back to the Book The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida where he talks about first taking care of yourself, second taking care of your fam and third taking care of the community.

In this moment, there's nothing left to think about.

It's about moving forward.

Prepare and Pass that test and get passed that bridge.

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