"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Be Unfulfilled Until the End...

I was talking with a customer today and he mentioned the movie Second String. He was throwing in all this info about the movie I couldn't really grasp all of it but I do remember his point. He said the movie was about a football team. The starters (cream of the crop) and the Second String (guys next to the better.) Well, the starters where acting as if they won every game already and it caused them to slip psychology and they weren't into the game, so the coach sent in the second string and they took over. I'm not going to spoil the story so i'll leave it there. Well, the point is, that when you don't have something, you really desire it and for some that can really motivate you to get what you want. Also being complacent wont get you any further. Sometimes you have to learn how it is to not have something to learn how to have it. You hear all these rags to riches stories, people not having anything and wanting it all, and then finally having it. Then you see in the media all these spoiled brats who have everything materially and it raises the question "what are they doing with their lives?" Desire can really be amplified through negative feelings like frustration, jealousy, envy, and not having. No i'm not recommending being negative, totally, but being positive all the time is straining and unnatural. Also being unfulfilled to the end reassures that you'll always be hungry. I'm not saying "don't do anything fulfilling." But i'm still thinking about it myself. Whose more likely to go farther, someone aiming to run a mile, or someone aiming for two miles. Even if you reach for the unattainable, you're likely to go far, but sometimes you have to realistic. Well those are my thoughts.

oh yeah if the grammar sucks, it's cause I typed this in a hurry and wanted to get it out there. I'll edit it later.

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