"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Sunday, December 2, 2007

She's a Fine Ass Chick

So away with the ego wants. I was thinking this afternoon of the type of qualities I find attractive in a woman.

So to me she's fine if she has...

Femininity - This ignites something inside of me naturally and strongly.

Genuine - She's true to herself, not trying to fit into a stereotype or a category.

Social Awareness - Knows how to handle a social situation with people. Aware of what behaviors goes with the situation and/or environment.

Stylish - Know how to dress for the occasion, don't confuse this with flashy.

Secure - Happy with who she is and is comfortable with herself.

which brings us to.

Independent - I believe on some level women should be dependent on a Man. However I feel they should be independent as well. I should be able to leave her somewhere in a store to look at some stuff without her feeling needy or clingy.

Personality - Adventurous, Creative, Kind, Intelligent, etc. Something that makes her stand out.

Now when I wrote that this afternoon. I hadn't even thought about looks. I don't have to say I find a woman whose beautiful and a Coca Cola body attractive. Those things use to really drive me wild before. Now, other things drive me wild as well.

One thing that I forgot this afternoon.

Nurturing - This is another quality that ignites something within me. If she likes kids, animals, I find that very attractive.


Liza said...

This was such a nice post to read. I kept expecting something about looks to pop up, but it never did, which makes some spark of hope light up for the male gender in my mind :)

All of the qualities you listed are certainly very admirable. It's good to keep in mind, however, that a woman with all of those qualities tends to be rare to find.

Lester said...

Yeah you can meet a lot people and finding someone with all those qualities would be rare. I think when you yourself have those qualities, then you meet someone like that, you'll connect.