"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Hunger for More

So I'm chilling at J's pad and it's one of those days where he has to do the perfect push up. Now on one of his sets he started struggling but he continued on. He had said something about knowing who you are when you can't do anymore, and what you do at that time. I can't really remember but I knew what he meant. He was talking about, either giving up or going for more. Keep on going even when it gets tougher. It shows character, and it also makes it. That was my interpretation.

Now, i'm training and conditioning myself to go for more, even when it's harder to go for more. When I exercises I do more reps. For example, when doing push ups. I do all I can and when I get tired, I don't give up, I keep pushing for extra till I can't do a push up any more. I push harder. Now I don't do this in every set, because you do have to take care of yourself. Like a car, you can't floor it all the time and expect it to be a great condition for the long haul, but I like to push myself now.

I see that I'm not lazy, and when I have to do some work, it's a lot easier for me to get up and do it. I got to mention all the harder exercising I've done really made me a lot stronger.

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