"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Reward and Punish System to Motivate

One thing I'll admit that I lack is discipline. Well, it means, I have to work on it. In my last post, bottom to this one, I asked "what makes you stay motivated for the long term/long haul?" I got a very helpful response, posted anonymously.

The poster said that he/she has a reward system. Now, I think that really helps you to motivate yourself. Say you're working on school and college doesn't pay off right away. So it's hard to persist when nothing is coming fast from you efforts. So, rewarding yourself for the effort is a way to motivate you to keep putting in more effort. Same goes with punishment, you don't turn in that assignment, then take something away, for example, no going out this Saturday.

I mean, the things we do, the effort, time and energy we invest in ourselves, we should reward ourselves for all that.


Countess B said...

I agree with the reward, but the reward should not negate what you are motivating yourself for. Like in dieting, you don't reward yourself with ice cream when you lose 5 lbs. 10 lbs, yes, 5 lbs. not so much.

Lester said...

Yup, I know what you mean, if the reward distracts you, then what good was the reward in first place. Thanks for the comment Countess B.