"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Long Term Gratification and Motivaton

Been thinking about that is one for a day. I was curious about how you guys stay motivation when the gratification is long term. Where you really have to put effort in, and you're going to see little out of it gradually until it's been awhile. Know what I mean? How do you persist when the rewards don't come fast.


Anonymous said...

I focus on becoming a better person through spiritual practice. I don't meditate much, but I always remember to be thankful of what I have now and the great things I will have later.

I am not perfect, by any means, but I'm close to it.

Anonymous said...

I forgot.

I am close to my family, even though they could suck as individuals at times.

I also do this whole reward and punishment thing on myself if or if I dont go out.

I have to admit I have'nt been going out as much due to my procrastination and the many excuses I can make up for myself.

Lester said...

Thanks for comment, it was really beneficial.