"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's like we're always working to make our dreams a reality, so we can have what we desire. To be able to live in the state or feeling when you're dreaming, but in real life. Sadly some people don't have a dream, and continue to float, moving in the air, like a leaf, blowing here and there. Thankfully, some are searching, and others have one. The Secret talks about how we can get what we want, by thinking about it, having an awareness of it. I get what they're are saying. Dreams are like road maps, and that feeling of happiness, joy, ecstasy when you dream or think of what you desire can be inspiration.


Anonymous said...

The Secret was certainly a very eye-opening documentary for me. And yes, everyone should have a dream. I have a feeling I'm one of those floating in-betweeners at this point, though.

Good luck with your dream :)

Lester said...

That's sweet. Good luck with your dreams too. :)