"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Saturday, December 15, 2007


One-itis is when you're so sucked into a girls world that you think about her every second, and you can't stand to live without her, she's your only one, and you feel a need to call her, and talk to her everyday, and more supplicating behaviors. That is not healthy, however, I don't want people to get the wrong impression that loving one woman is a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with having these strong feelings for a woman, that you would think she's the one. It's natural to feel these strong feeling for someone and want to spend your days waking up to them, seeing them asleep laying on her pillow, eyes shut. There's nothing wrong with having an strong desire to want to see someone. It shows your capacity to want.

It shouldn't distract you though. It shouldn't distract you from doing you're own thing. It should distract you from taking care of yourself and being healthy: body, mind and spirit. It's OK to choose to want to be with one person, as long as it doesn't distract you from living your life. Living independently of her. Because you can't care for her if you can't for yourself. A Man can't put food on the table if he's not eating first, because he has to work, and in order to work he has to eat too. Be Independent and recognize it's ok to have strong feelings for one woman.

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