"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Great Friends Can Do

J is like my brother. He always got my back and I always got his. Well, I had an epiphany of who I was in the past couple of days. See, J, is pretty observant and he would see how I AM and ACT in relation to the environment(venue), people, etc. How I would react to things. Two things came out of this, awareness first, which led to the second thing, adjustment. What he noticed wasn't "negative," it's actually what most guys strive to be on a superficial level. In my opinion however, superficial things most of the times are for show. It wasn't superficial for me however, It was who I am. I was also conditioned that way. Men try to figure out how to be that way. Women Loved it, but also ached as well, and have been driven to certain points. I'm not proud however of some of those things, but I have learned from them.

Me, all I had to do was adjust :)

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