"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Monday, December 17, 2007

Test Day

I took a test today, which is step one and a half to start a career to start being stable. The night before I went to Bed after a hot shower because I was sick. The steam helps, but that's another story. So I wake up, being sick doesn't matter. When I wasn't sick I asked myself what would I do If I wasn't sick. I'd go out and such, well I figured I can still do that... so being sick doesn't stop me at all. I may do things a little bit slower but I do them. Well this test takes about four hours total. Breaks included of course. Two sections of the test count, the last one is about you. Well, 120 people showed up, 40 passed. It's a very hard test. I didn't passed. I was very disappointed for a moment, and then I thought, that I'm still going to take the test. I'm going to pass it the next time. They said that out of all the people who take it nationwide on 30% passed. They're saying I'm not alone. They also said they make it hard for a reason, and the whole process is hard to get through. This will be one of the toughest challenges for me in life... I'm determined though. I may have felt somewhat disappointed for a slight moment, but I'm determined and still interested and getting this done.

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