"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My Thoughts On Having a Vision

Peoples goals in life are not similar to everyone else. A Vision can be a way of living, a set of goals, an interpretation, an observation used to plan action, and so on. Mainly our Vision is our tool.

For example.

When I'm walking in a hallway of a library, it's dark because one of the light bulbs in the lantern(electric lantern) is dieing out, the hallway is fifty feet long, and 3 feet wide, there are tall bookshelves all with a lemon scent, and thick books in them. Now I look at all this and see a scene for a movie.

I'm at coffee shop and I meet a real cool person, I see a character for a play.

It's lunch time so I go in my car to recline so I'm half asleep. I make sure I'm parked under a tree because it's sunny outside. The sun is shining between the branches and leaves, so I see the shadow of the tree on my steering wheel, it's also a windy day and the tree dances to the wind and so does it's shadow. I think of a poem(a vision as well)

I see a kid in his bike riding down the street. I see the ending scene of a movie.

The way I interpret the World, is Vision for me.

For LaDainian Tomlinson of the San Diego Chargers.

His vision is what causes him to make great runs. Before the ball is even snapped. He's reading the defense and seeing which line backer is going where. Whose going to block the Cornerback. Where the holes are going to be. He's reading the defense before the ball is snapped.

Watching the Secret, you hear people talking about imagining an opening parking space and getting one, posting pictures of houses on cork boards and buying that house, painting pictures of them having success with women and having success with women.

What it does is that it puts an awareness into your mind, and when an opportunity comes up you'll notice it, because you're read for it, it's already in your mind.

You're conditioning yourself to use your Vision.

Well, so I've got an idea, I got index cards, and I'll write Vision on the blank side, and on the side with the lines, I'm going to write what it is I want, and every night(hopefully) I'll take a look at those cards and take my time to think about what's written, and how it would feel after having what I want.


Circe said...

Sounds like a good plan! I've heard of people doing things like that to amazing results, and I've made lists of goals like that and ended up achieving them. Like you said, it's just a matter of keeping what you want in sight.

Lester said...

Cool. Glad you where able to obtain your goals, just got to persist with them.