"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Monday, December 24, 2007

A Woman's Walk

so you're talking to a Woman you've known for some bit, and there's attraction there, but since you'll see her again, you're not so aggressive. You guys are leaving the building you both work at. Her company is on the other end, you're on the opposite side. Well you both are chit chattin' it up after work and you notice the way she's walking, she's talking to you to keep you're attention, then she gradually speeds up her walk and you do to, to keep the conversation going.

Well in my experience, when this happens, it's like a hooking method or a test to gauge how interested you are in her. You're walking with her, and she gradually speeds up and walk, but she's talking to you, to hold you're attention, and she's looking if you'll follow her lead, if she'll hook you, if you're interested in her or some combination. You can walk with her at the speed she sets or you can stay your own speed and have her match yours, you can say see you later, or you can stop her. I'd stop her or take my own pace depending on where I'm going. You can stop her by getting in front of her and saying "hold on" while holding her by her sides. If she's walking fast, but not talking to you, that's a sign that she doesn't want your attention. There's a difference if she's talking to you or not.

Now, if she's walking and it looks so sexy. Her body is swaying and fluid. Her legs are strutting, her hips swaying, her waist being stretched from her hips and she's in you're area, very close to you, suggestively and she's looking at you, checking you out. Well, do I have to spell it out? She's very receptive to you.

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