"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Monday, December 24, 2007


There's something about movement. When you go to In and Out because you're hungry and their burgers are better than others and you see a chick. She's walking, hips in motion because her legs are striding, not much upper body movement, but since her legs are moving, which is swaying her hips, and her hips are stretching out her waist... it's so sexy. It's how she moves. I remember someone in High School who had a very distinct walk, but her walk was too "extravagant" that it looked like she wanted attention. It has to be subtle. I can't remember where I read it, oh wait, now I do. Steve Piccus talked about how to gauge a woman's comfort with her body. You look at her hips and if they sway fluidly when she's walking, that's a good sign that she's comfortable with herself. Speaking of books, Sexual Chemistry by Julius Fast talks about movement and how it can be bring sexual chemistry. I just hope no one gets too self-conscious when the move.

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