"Know Your Real Edge and Don't Fake It"
- David Deida author of the Book The Way of the Superior man

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cousin GT

I was chilling with my cousin a couple of hours ago. He's telling me all his stories and experiences and all I can say is "I'm proud" with a grin on my face. He's 16 years old and in the context of Women, he can go to a group of girls, sit down, put his arm around them and start a conversation. A tear falls from my eye. Women love him, well Girls love him. I remember reading a Myspace comment a girl wrote about him "I wish there where more Guys in the world like you." Man I was so happy for this guy. He's only 16!!! Well, when I was 12... around 12 I was flirting with Women who where around 30. Remember the movie Don Juan Demarco, where Don Juan at a young age is at the chapel and all the nuns are smiling at him. That's the overall picture. But this is about my cousin, I mean, he's social, and that's good. He's young and can still improve. A quote well said by him "staring is not going to get you anywhere, you have to go up and talk to her."

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